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Solve the problem of hacking WhatsApp and the method of recovery

Recently, WhatsApp hacks have spread, and they are used in new ways by spoilers and information thieves, and the hacker often tries to communicate with the user's plugins and ask for a sum of money in a clever way.

And new tricks and new methods to not arouse suspicion and suspicion on the other side, or even what hackers do, except that it is blackmailing the user and asking for money if they do things that are harmful to the user and many of those who are victims of hackers and saboteurs.

Solve the problem of hacking WhatsApp and the method of recovery

However, in this topic, we will discuss all of the important steps you can take to protect your WhatsApp account from hacking, recover your account from the hacker, and report a case of hacking or attempted hacking.

How do I know that WhatsApp has been hacked?

You can find out that your account has been hacked in two ways:

1-If there is another user using the same WhatsApp at the same time,

2-Login to WhatsApp, then click the 3 dots, then choose WhatsApp Web, and if the camera appears, it means your WhatsApp account has not been hacked and is safe from any hacking process.

How to cancel whatsapp hack

If someone hacked WhatsApp and you are logged in, it means WhatsApp was hacked via WhatsApp web, and the way to cancel the WhatsApp hack is:

1-Login to WhatsApp.

2-Click on the 3 points above.

3: Select WhatsApp Web.

4-The devices that use WhatsApp will appear.

5-Choose by clicking on the connected foreign devices and selecting Log out.

Technical support for WhatsApp

The WhatsApp company provides technical support services related to queries, requests for assistance, reporting a problem, reporting a breach, and others by communicating and sending a message and requesting assistance regarding the query.

The problem or report and the way to contact technical support through this link: WhatsApp Technical Support.

You can also contact technical support through this email:

How to restore WhatsApp after being hacked

There are several things or steps to start by doing, which is to inform the WhatsApp company that your account has been hacked, by sending a message to this email: with the use of important words such as: "I lost my account." or "My account was stolen."

Reactivate the account and prove ownership through (your phone number).

Reactivate WhatsApp

The process of reactivating WhatsApp is simple and easy, which is to download and install the special program WhatsApp Messenger from approved electronic stores, such as the Apple Store, Google Play, Samsung Store, Huawei Store, and others, from official stores, and the method is:

1-Go to the store and search for the WhatsApp application.

2-Download the WhatsApp program or application.

3-Choose the process of installing the WhatsApp program.

4-Agree to the terms.

5-Confirm your proof and phone number.

6-Restore the backup copy, if any.

7-Add the name in the profile definition.
